Art in Public Places Program (AIPP)


Natural Beauty and a Vibrant Arts Scene

Town Ordinance No. 02-23 clarifies that the Art in Public Places (AIPP) program is administered by the Public Works Department of the Town of Estes Park, and AIPP is governed by Public Works Policy 880. Through its service to the AIPP program, the Parks Division is dedicated to enriching our community through public exposure to the arts. AIPP is achieved through a collaboration of Estes Park residents, businesses, organizations, art community, and Estes Park K-12 school programs to develop a diverse art collection that creates a sense of place, provides a unique town identity, offers educational opportunities, and serves as an economic driver.

The AIPP program weaves public art into the everyday experience of our community and creates lasting impressions on those who experience it. It enhances our public spaces, compliments our award winning seasonal floral displays, and makes Estes Park a visitor destination for both its natural beauty and vibrant arts scene. The AIPP broadly defines public art as any original creation of visual art that is acquired with public monies, or acquired with a combination of public/private funding; acquired by donation or loan to the Town’s AIPP program; or privately sponsored artwork located on publicly owned land, easements, or publicly owned equipment.

To suggest the donation or loan of a piece of artwork to the Town of Estes Park's AIPP program, please complete and submit the following forms to Brian Berg, Parks Supervisor, at bberg@estes.org.

Artwork Donation Form

Artwork Loan Agreement