Workforce Housing and Childcare

The Town utilizes a variety of funding sources to address workforce and childcare in the Estes Valley, including revenues from the Lodging Tax Extension (local ballot measure 6E passed in November 2022). In addition to the Lodging Tax Extension revenue, revenues from the Impact Fee associated with Short Term Rentals, the Town's Workforce Housing reserve fund, and various grants and other financial awards from the State and Federal governments are used to address workforce and attainable housing.

In November 2022, the Town of Estes Park citizens voted to approve Ballot Issue 6E to increase the Lodging Taxes throughout the Estes Valley by 3.5%. The funds received by the Local Marketing District, Visit Estes Park are transferred to the Town of Estes Park to address workforce housing and childcare issues. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in July 2023 with the Estes Park Housing Authority to oversee the distribution of 6E revenue to address workforce housing.

Annually, the Estes Park Town Board, Larimer County Board of County Commissioners, and Visit Estes Park approve the funding plan that outlines the priorities and use of tax dollars to address childcare and workforce housing issues. 

2025 Annual Workforce Housing and Childcare Funding Plan for Lodging (6E) Funds

2025 6E Funding Plan Presentation

More Information

For more information about Housing and Childcare, please contact the Housing and Childcare Manager, Carlie Bangs at 970-577-3894 or cbangs@estes.org 

The Town of Estes Park offers a variety of funding opportunities to support childcare providers and early childhood professionals in the Estes Valley. These programs are based on data and strategies presented in the 2024 Childcare Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan and the 6E Annual Workforce Housing and Childcare Funding Plan for Lodging (6E) Funds (2025 Plan).

6E Funds are allocated to four key priority areas to address the childcare challenges, including childcare tuition assistance programs, expanding out-of-school (school-age) programming, early childhood workforce recruitment and retention, and increasing capacity through facilities and capital expenditures.


Tuition Assistance

For the third year in a row, the Estes Park Town Board has voted in favor of funding tuition assistance by awarding EVICS Family Resource Center with 6E funds. EVICS Family Resource Center has administered tuition assistance since 2006 to Estes Valley families and has stepped in to support families since the Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP) enrollment was frozen in February 2024. 

Eligible families are encouraged to get on the waitlist for CCAP, and can apply for assistance through EVICS Family Resource Center.


Additional financial assistance programs can be found through the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County, including Universal Preschool and the Larimer Child Care Fund.


Childcare Assistance Fund Grant

Licensed, or working to be licensed, home and center-based childcare providers may apply for grant funding for both capital and non-capital projects.  

Childcare Funding Guidelines and Application 

Childcare Funding Report Form


Annual Workforce Subsidy

The 2024 Childcare Workforce Subsidy application will be open soon!

The application is open from March-May annually. This subsidy is available for licensed home and center-based childcare providers in the Park R-3 School District and is based on the size and quality rating of the center.

Reporting is required by all Childcare Workforce Subsidy recipients as outlined in your Childcare Funding Agreement.

Childcare Funding Report Form


For inquiries regarding eligibility, application support, and availability of funds, please contact Carlie Speedlin Bangs, Housing and Childcare Manager, at cbangs@estes.org 

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in July 2023 with the Estes Park Housing Authority to oversee the distribution of 6E revenue to address workforce housing. The use of funds for workforce housing initiatives is outlined annually in the 6E Annual Funding Plan.

2023 Housing Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan

Estes Park Housing Authority

Estes Park Housing Authority offers many programs for community members of low to moderate incomes in the Estes Valley. The Town of Estes Park entered into an MOU with the organization in July 2023 to transfer 6E Lodging Tax funds from the Town of Estes Park to the Estes Park Housing Authority to address workforce housing issues in the valley. 

Estes Park Housing Authority is located at 363 East Elkhorn Avenue, Suite 101, Estes Park, CO 80517

Contact Estes Park Housing Authority at EPHA@estes.org or (970) 591-2535

Workforce Rental Assistance 

There is a collaborative effort between the Town, Estes Park Housing Authority, and non-profit stakeholders to make housing more affordable for all. As an expansion of the existing housing assistance program at Crossroads Ministry, 6E Lodging Tax revenue supports middle-income working households in the Estes Valley.

To inquire about eligibility and apply for rental assistance, please contact Crossroads Ministry. Begin the application process here.

Workforce Housing Development Incentives

The Town of Estes Park seeks to support the development of workforce housing through waivers and incentives in its Policies and Development Code. 

Policy 402: Equity Fee and Fee Waiver were established to reduce fees in support of essential community needs as identified in the Estes Forward Comprehensive Plan.

Policy 227: Workforce and Attainable Housing Funding Guidelines define workforce and attainable housing for the Town’s purposes, articulate the Town’s workforce housing goals and role related to workforce housing, and establish a funding mechanism to advance the Town’s workforce housing goals. 

Estes Park Development Code: Chapter 11.4- Attainable/Workforce Housing Density Bonus was created to incentivize to development of attainable and workforce housing for people living and/or working in Estes Park.

Town-owned Properties Map

The Town of Estes Park, with Estes Park Housing Authority acting as the developer, currently have two properties in predevelopment: 

Fish Hatchery Neighborhood

  - Proposed workforce and attainable housing neighborhood

  - Background about the development of workforce housing at the Fish Hatchery property can be found HERE

  -  Updates can be found HERE on predevelopment work with EPHA 

  -  Email fishhatchery@estes.org to request information or be added to the mailing list for updates!


179 Stanley Circle Drive

  -  Proposed Town-employee housing 

  -  Neighborhood meeting for rezoning application occurred on Thursday, November 14 at 5:00 (at 179 Stanley Circle Drive) 


Town-owned Childcare Facility

The Town purchased property at 1250 Woodstock in 2024 to preserve existing childcare services offered at that facility. Mountaintop Childcare Inc. continues to run childcare services from that facility. A long-term childcare facilities plan is underway to project the future need for childcare facilities and the Town's role in owning, leasing, maintaining, and managing childcare facilities in the Estes Valley.