The Planning and Zoning Division coordinates development in Estes Park by administering and enforcing the Estes Park Development Code and implementing the Estes Park Comprehensive Plan.
Core services include:
Land Use Consultations: What is zoning and how does it impact your property? We look forward to assisting you with questions or concerns about our adopted codes and how they apply to your property or business. Walk-ins are welcomed, but appointments are preferred to ensure that a staff member is available.
Development Review: We coordinate the review of development applications such as subdivisions, rezonings, variance and development plans.
Submittals: The Planning Division no longer uses a submittal schedule for applications. Items are scheduled for public hearings as soon as they are ready. Adhering to a rigid schedule in the past sometimes led to items being scheduled for hearings before they were fully ready. This resulted in items being pulled from the agenda, staff recommending denial due to incomplete projects, or numerous conditions of approval that slowed down the post-approval process. We aim to process items quickly and move them through the system efficiently. Generally, our turnaround time is about 2.5 to 3 weeks per round: we allow our referral team 2 weeks to respond, and then we need a few days to package everything. For the Board of Adjustment (BOA), we can often schedule items sooner than the old submittal calendar would suggest.
For more information, call 970-577-3721 or email