How is the Development Code amended?
Proposed amendments to the Estes Park Development Code are considered and adopted through a public hearing process. Code amendments are first heard by the Estes Park Planning Commission. The Planning Commission forwards a recommendation of approval, denial, or approval with conditions to the Town Board. If the revisions are approved by the Town Board, they are adopted into the Estes Park Development Code.
2024 Code Amendments
- Removal of Residential Occupancy Limits Staff Report
- Planned Unit Development (PUD) Regulations Staff Report
- Public Notice Procedures and Submittal Requirements Staff Report
Summary List of Adopted Code Amendments in Recent Years
The following is a list of amendments to the EPDC that Community Development Department staff wish to propose for action in the future.
Master List of Proposed Amendments to EPDC (formerly EVDC), 2017
RE-1 Elimination - June 21, 2022
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's)
Solar Setbacks
Impervious Lot Coverage
Downtown Building Height
Wireless Cell Facilities
Amended Plat Review Process
Town Board, January 12, 2021
Requirements for Neighborhood / Community Meetings
- Amendment to Clarify and Define Procedures, Applicability, and Requirements for Neighborhood and Community Meetings
- Ordinance No. 11-19. Adopted 5/14/19
Number of Parking Spaces Triggering Development Plan Review
- Amendment to Revise the Number of Parking Spaces Proposed that Would Require a Development Plan Review from Ten to Three
- Ordinance No. 10-19. Adopted 5/14/19
Event Facilities in A and CO, Zoning Districts
- Amendment Adding an "Event Facility" Use to the A-Accommodations and CO-Commercial Outlying Zoning Districts and Adding a Definition to Chapter 13 for "Event Facility"
- Ordinance No. 08-19. Adopted 5/14/19
Accessory Uses in Residential Zoning Districts
- Amendment to § 5.2 Table 5-1: Accessory Uses Permitted in Residential Zoning Districts and § 5.2.B.2
- Additional Requirements for Specific Accessory Uses/ Structures in Residential Zones]
- Ordinance No. 20-18. Adopted 12/11/18
Sightseeing and Tour Buses
- Amendment to Add "Sightseeing/Tour Vehicle Facility" as a Special Review in Certain Zoning Districts and Adding a Definition of the Same
- Ordinance No. 14-18. Adopted 10/23/18
Neighborhood and Community Meeting Requirement
- Amendment to Require Neighborhood / Community Meetings Prior to Application
- Ordinance No. 15-18. Adopted 10/9/18
Cultural Institutions within Residential Zoning Districts
- Amendment to Allow Special Review for Cultural Institutions within Residential Zoning Districts, Including Review Standards and Add a Definition for Museum
- Ordinance No. 13-18. Adopted 8/28/18
Notice Requirements for Public Hearings
- Amendment to § 3.15 to Provide Additional Notice Requirements for Public Hearings
- Ordinance No. 08-18. Adopted 5/8/18
Schools in Certain Residential and Non-Residential Zoning Districts
- Amendment to Add Schools to Certain Residential and Non-Residential Zoning Districts, Modifying "School" Definitions, and Adjusting Procedures for Review
- Ordinance No. 05-18. Adopted 4/10/18
Restrictive Covenants
- Amendment to Add a Subsection for a Restrictive Covenant and Agreement within the Incentives for Establishing Attainable and Workforce Housing
- Ordinance No. 03-18. Adopted 3/13/18
Food Trucks
- Amendment Regarding Outdoor Mobile Food Vending Permit
- Ordinance No. 34-17. Adopted 2/13/18
Bed &, Breakfast Inns
- Amendment Regarding Bed and Breakfast Inns
- Ordinance No. 31-17. Adopted 11/28/17
Limitations on the Attainable Housing Density Bonus
- Amendment to Eliminate Applicability and Use of Attainable Housing Density Bonus in RE-1, RE, E-1, E, R, and R-2 Zoning Districts
- Ordinance No. 30-17. Adopted 11/14/17
Defining Single Family Use
- Amendment to Add a Definition in Chapter 13 for Single Family Use
- Ordinance No. 29-17. Adopted 11/14/17
Maximum Ridgeline Height for Roofs
- Amendment Regarding Maximum Ridge-Line Height for Steeply-Sloped Gabled and Hipped Roof Structures
- Ordinance No. 28-17 Adopted 10/24/17
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Employee Housing Density Calculations
- Amendment Regarding Floor Area Ratio and Employee Housing Density Calculations
- Ordinance No. 27-17 Adopted 10/24/17
Recommended Landscaping Plant List
- Amendment Regarding the Administration of the ComDev Recommended Plant List
- Ordinance No. 21-17. Adopted 9/26/17
Multi-Family Zoning Maximum Building Height]
- Amendment Regarding Maximum Building Height in the RM Zoning District
- Ordinance No. 20-17. Adopted 6/27/17
Calculating Building Height and Other Considerations]
- Amendment Regarding Measuring Building Height, Maximum Building Height in RM Zoning District, Building Design in RM District, Special Review Criteria, One Single-Family Principal Structure Per Lot, and Parks and Recreation Facilities
- Ordinance No. 17-17. Adopted 6/13/17
Vacation Home Regulations
- Amendment Regarding Vacation Homes
- Ordinance No. 09-17. Adopted 3/28/17
Accessory Kitchens
- Amendment Regarding Accessory Kitchens
- Ordinance No. 08-17. Adopted 3/28/17
Check back for the next public forum.