Always call 911 in emergencies. If you are a victim of a crime or know of a crime in progress please call dispatch at 970-586-4000 before referring to the information below.
I want to...
Estes Valley Crisis Advocates provides service to Estes Park and the surrounding valley. EVCA services can be accessed by calling 970-577-9781 Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To access services after hours, during weekends and on holidays, call dispatch at 970-586-4000 to request an advocate. Dispatchers only need your name and phone number to connect you to an advocate.
The Estes Park Police Department provides breathalyzer tests (BA's/PBT's) Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding holidays) and on weekends from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can request a breathalyzer by coming to the Police Department lobby, located inside Town Hall at 170 MacGregor Ave. You do not need to call ahead or make an appointment, however, wait time will depend on the availability of officers. Tests cost $15 for each occurrence. Exact change is required on weekends.
The Police Department does not provide UAs. If you need a UA, or a BA after-hours, you can contact one of the following Estes Park providers:
- EPeeDrug Testing (formerly RAP) at 970-200-8586 or Services provided: BAs and UAs.
- Salud Family Health - Estes Park at 970-586-9230. Service provided: UAs.
- The Counseling Place at 970-586-6400 or Services provided: BAs, UAs, DUI Education.
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) uses a Statewide Digital Fingerprinting Process known as CABS (Colorado Applicant Background Services). Please reference the linked information below for help acquiring these services from CBI's authorized fingerprinting vendors:
For questions or assistance, please contact CABS at 720-292-2722, toll free at 833-244-2227 or via email at
For quick and accurate information on road conditions in Colorado, dial 511 or visit the Colorado Department of Transportation website for an up-to-date interactive map of all area highways.
If the arrested party has been transferred to the Larimer County Jail, you can contact them at 970-498-5225. If the person has been booked, you can view their charges and court information by searching their name (last name first) on the Larimer County Jail website. If the party is still at Estes Park Police Department, you can call dispatch at 970-586-4000 to request to speak with the officer on the case.
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To speak with an officer, call police dispatch at 970-586-4000. If the officer is not on duty you can request to leave a message on their voicemail. Never report a crime by leaving a message for an officer, always ask the dispatcher to speak to an officer who is on duty.
To obtain a police report, complete an online Records Request form, call Records at 970-577-3830 or visit the Police Department front desk, located at 170 MacGregor Ave. Be prepared to provide the following information if you have it:
- Type of Request (Motor Vehicle Accident, Police Report, Dispatch Recording)
- Your contact information (Name, Address, Phone Number)
- Report Number
- Report Date
- Incident Location
- Person(s) in incident
Online records request forms and fee information are available on the Records page. Once you have completed the request and payment is received, Records will begin to process your request.
Some reports are not eligible for release per state statute or are not releasable until approved by the investigations unit.
The Estes Park Police Department does not issue protection orders. To obtain a protection order, contact an attorney or the Larimer County Courts at 970-679-4417. Additional information on protection orders can be found on the Colorado Judicial Branch website.
Concealed Handgun Permits are issued and administered by the Larimer County Sheriff's Office in Fort Collins. Contact the Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985 or visit their Concealed Handgun Permit page for more information on obtaining, renewing and applying for a concealed handgun permit.
Owners with dogs who reside within the Estes Park town limits are required by the Municipal Code to maintain a current dog license and a current rabies vaccination through a veterinarian. Find out more about dog licenses.
Always call 911 in emergencies. To report a code violation, please visit the Code Enforcement page or call 970-586-4000. Requests to speak with a code enforcement officer can also be made at the front window of Estes Park Police Department, located at 170 MacGregor Ave., during normal business hours.
Always call 911 in emergencies. To report a crime, call dispatch at 970-586-4000 to be connected with a police officer. Reports can also be made in person at Estes Park Police Department, located at 170 MacGregor Ave.
Crime Mapping provides the public with valuable information about recent crime activity in their neighborhood. View a Crime Map of Estes.
Fines assessed for traffic and ordinance violations can be found in the Estes Park Municipal Court fine schedule.
Contact other Emergency Services
Always dial 911 in an emergency. If you are unsure which agency to contact, call police dispatch at 970-586-4000 and the dispatcher will assist you in determining the correct one. The list below contains non-emergency numbers to all Emergency Services in the Estes Valley:
- Allenspark Fire Department: 303-747-2586
- Big Thompson Canyon Fire Department: 970-203-0348
- Estes Park Fire Department: 970-577-0900 (Administrative)
- Estes Park Health and Ambulance Service: 970-586-2317
- Estes Park Police Department: 970-586-4000
- Glen Haven Fire Department: 970-586-5406
- Larimer County Sheriff's Office: 970-416-1985
- Pinewood Springs Fire Department: 303-823-5086