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The Town of Estes Park regulates the display and construction of signs. Sign permits are required to ensure all new signs comply with the requirements of the Sign Code (Estes Park Municipal Code Chapter 17.66) and to protect the public from hazardous conditions resulting from unsafe signs or obscuring motorist vision.


ALERT:  As of January 8, 2025, Ordinance 10-23 has been rescinded.


Sign Permits and Exemptions: What You Need to Know

A sign is any display or message intended to attract attention. Signs can contain commercial or non-commercial information. Signs include words, pictures, trademarks, flags, banners and murals.

Any sign visible to the public from a street, parking area, mall or other circulation areas open to the general public is required to have a sign permit, though certain signs are exempt. A complete list of exemptions is provided in the Sign Code, but generally, the following are exempt:

  • Signs not visible from the public thoroughfare
  • Temporary holiday decorations
  • "Open" and Vacancy" signs (less than four square feet in size)
  • Window displays and signs (less than 25% of window area)
  • Temporary real estate signs (meeting size and location requirements)


  • Sign Permit, except banners: $75
  • Temporary Banner Permit: $50

Staff-Level Reviews

  • Minor Modification: variance of 10% or less: $25

How long does it take to get a permit?

Complete sign permit applications usually take a week or less to review. Incomplete applications delay the review process. Because of this, staff recommends that applicants talk with the staff before submitting an application to make sure it is complete.

How long does my permit last?

You must start the installation of your sign within 60 days of issuance of a permit. If you stop work for a period of 60 days, the permit will automatically expire, and you will need to apply for a new permit and pay a new application fee. Once the sign has been installed with a final inspection, you do not need to renew your permit.

What do I need to submit for a permit?

You need to include a sign permit application, contact information, building frontage information, the location of the sign, a site plan and drawings of the sign, type of illumination (if proposed), and other information pertinent to the application.

If I move my business, can I take my old sign with me?

You must apply for a new sign permit to install your old sign in a new location. The permit will be issued if the old sign meets the standards contained in the Sign Code, such as size and location.

Can I change my sign?

It is unlawful to change, modify, alter or otherwise deviate from the terms or conditions of the permit without a revised permit.

Can I keep my old sign?

An existing legally nonconforming sign can remain but cannot be changed or altered. It can be repaired and maintained, but not if the repair costs are greater than 50% of the sign value. "Legally nonconforming" means the sign was properly permitted when installed.

Compliance within unincorporated Estes Valley is regulated by the Larimer County Sign Code.