Planning Commission Public Email Access

The Town has launched a new service allowing users to access emails sent to, and by, members of the Estes Park Planning Commission. Under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) all emails to and from Planning Commission members are subject to public disclosure, with limited exceptions. While most emails have always been available to the public upon request, this is an effort to make official communications more easily accessible and as transparent as possible. This service is available to each Planning Commission member for participation at his or her discretion.

Access Planning Commission emails

Emails that will not be posted to the public site are those protected by the Colorado Open Records Act, such as attorney-client privilege. Members of the public may add the term "private" to the subject line if they prefer the email not be posted to the public site. Public email addresses included in the "to", "from", "cc" or "bcc" fields will not be visible on the site. However, all information contained in the body of the email will be posted by the system. If requested by the public, emails that are not posted will still be released when they are not protected by the Colorado Open Records Act.

The Town Email Retention Policy states all email sent/received is maintained for a period of 1-year from the date of the email.

It is Town policy to make all public records available for public inspection at reasonable times in accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act. The Town Clerk's office is responsible for the official records of the Town of Estes Park and follows the Town's Open Records Policy. Please visit our Open Records page for more information.