Municipal Court

Municipal Court

For questions regarding your court date, contact Municipal Court at 970-577-4774 or


Town of Estes Park Municipal Court is held in the Town Hall Board Room located at 170 MacGregor Ave. The Honorable David J. Thrower presides over Municipal and Model Traffic Code violations. Proceedings conducted by Prosecuting Attorney Avi Rocklin.

Municipal Court Schedule:
Municipal court is typically held on the first Wednesday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m., excluding holidays. Please reference your citation or the current schedule below for exact dates. Arraignments are heard first followed by trials if scheduled.

Advisement of Rights & Citation Payments

Advisement of Rights - In order for any Municipal Court payments to be processed, the Advisement of Rights form must be acknowledged and received by the Town in order to resolve your citation. Any payment made without an advisement of rights may delay the processing of your citation and may require an appearance in court. 

Citations may be paid online if paying ON or BEFORE the court date listed on the citation and, if there is a fine amount listed on the citation. If the citation is a SUMMONS, appearance in court is required at the time, location, and date listed on the citation. By paying the penalty assessment guilt and liability is acknowledged and the right to appear in court is waved. Penalty assessments which are timely paid may be eligible for a point reduction.

March 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Court Record Requests


Estes Park Municipal Court Records can be requested using the Open Records Request form. Please note only records created through the Municipal Court process can be requested through this process. Any records such as offense and accident reports, criminal histories, or citations need to be requested through the Estes Park Police Department Records process.

Standing Orders

ORDER Live Streaming Coverage of Proceedings and Virtual Proceedings Policy

ORDER Regarding Court Procedures in Response to Covid-19


Community Service Log