Boards and Meeting Materials


Agenda and packet material are provided through Google Drive. If you experience issues opening a link, please refresh the page, clear cookies, or re-open the link.

Watch Meeting Videos


Town Board

Town Board
Upcoming Meeting Schedule -- Mayor and Trustees may be attending

2024 Proposed Meeting Schedule

Town Board Meetings and Study Sessions are streamed live on the Town's YouTube page at www.estes.org/videos

Regular Meetings

PUBLIC COMMENT FORM: To submit general comments to the Town Board or comments on a current agenda item please click on the following link:               Public Comment Form.

Study Sessions

Study Sessions are held for the purposes of informal discussion outside of official meetings. Public comment is not typically heard at Study Sessions, but may be allowed by the Mayor with agreement of a majority of the Board.

Strategic Planning Study Sessions

Study Sessions are held for the purposes of informal discussion outside of official meetings. Public comment is not typically heard at Study Sessions, but may be allowed by the Mayor with agreement of a majority of the Board.

Public Notice: The Mayor and Trustees may attend the following upcoming events: 


Audit Committee

Audit Committee Meetings are held as-needed.

Monday, August 28, 2023 at 2:30 p.m.  In Person, Admin Conference Room

Estes Park Board of Adjustment

Estes Park Board of Adjustment  

To submit comments for the current Board of Adjustment meeting click the following link: Board of Adjustment Public Comment Form.

Regular Meetings held on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m.  


Estes Park Planning Commission

Estes Park Planning Commission:    

Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. with an optional study session prior to the meeting.

To submit comments for the current Planning Commission meeting, click the following link: Public Comment Form 

Regular Meetings
Study Sessions

Study Sessions are held for the purposes of informal discussion outside of official meetings and public comment will not be heard.

Estes Park Board of Appeals

Estes Park Board of Appeals meets as needed on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m.

  • Current Agenda
  • Current Packet
  • Archive of Minutes
  • Bylaws
Transportation Advisory Board

Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of the month at 12 p.m. in Town Hall (meeting room varies and will be reflected on the agenda and website calendar). Effective March 2024, the TAB determines each month whether to hold the official meeting or to receive a packet of staff and member reports. This decision will be made on the Friday or Monday preceding the third Wednesday of each month, and the current meeting packet or report packet will be accessible through the Current Agenda and Current Packet links below. 

To submit comments to the Transportation Advisory Board, please complete the TAB Public Comment Form.


Technical Review Committee

Technical Review Committee meetings are held as needed.

To view or listen to the Technical Review Committee by Zoom Webinar
ONLINE (Zoom Webinar): zoom.us/join Webinar ID: 830 4014 3132
CALL-IN (Telephone Option): 877-853-5257 (toll-free) 

Public Comment

To submit comments for the current Technical Review Committee meeting, click the following link: Public Comment Form


Other Public Meetings

Carriage Hills and Spruce Knob Water System Improvements


Upcoming Meetings

July 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Apply for an open Boards or Commissions Position

Volunteer applications, for both appointed (boards and commissions) positions and non-appointed positions, are available on the Town's website at estes.org/volunteering.