Transportation Advisory Board

The mission of the citizen-led Town of Estes Park Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) is to advise the Board of Trustees and the Public Works staff on:

  1. Local and regional comprehensive transportation planning policies that protect air quality, diminish congestion, and enhance the safety and quality of life for the citizens, businesses, and visitors to the Estes Valley including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, automobile, and transit modes.
  2. Maintenance, operation, and expansion programs for all modes of the Town's transportation system.
  3. Transportation capital projects, to ensure implementation of the Town's transportation goals and policies for roads, trails, parking, signage, and transit.

Packet materials for current and archived TAB meetings can be accessed by selecting Transportation Advisory Board on the Boards and Meetings page.

TAB meetings are held when needed, as determined by the Chair or the Public Works Director, who consider the question together on a monthly basis. Typically, TAB meetings take place on the third Wednesday of the month at 12 p.m. in Town Hall. However, the meeting date and location may vary; please refer to the current agenda and Town of Estes Park website calendar). When the official meeting is not held, a packet of staff and member reports may be issued. The decision whether to meet, or to issue a report packet only, will be made each month on the Friday or Monday preceding the third Wednesday. 

The public is encouraged to attend the TAB's official meetings, where public comment is heard. To submit written comments at any time, please complete the TAB Public Comment Form.

For general inquiries about the TAB, email Dana Klein, Staff Liaison.

NameTerm Expiration
Belle Morris, ChairMarch 31, 2026
Kristin Ekeren, Vice-ChairMarch 31, 2027
Larry GambleMarch 31, 2026
Linda HanickMarch 31, 2025
Joan HooperMarch 31, 2027
Misti MarcantonioMarch 31, 2027
Carissa StreibMarch 31, 2027
Wallace WoodMarch 31, 2026
Trustee Mark Igel, Town Board Liaison 
Dana Klein, Staff Liaison 

During regularly scheduled Transportation Advisory Board meetings in late 2020, it was determined that the community needed a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Task Force. The purpose of the task force was to identify sidewalk and trail needs, and to educate and encourage parents, teachers, and others about the SRTS program and the shared goal of keeping children safe to and from school.

The TAB's SRTS Task Force met between December 2020 and March 2021. To access the Archive of Minutes, visit the Transportation Advisory Board section on the Boards and Meetings page.