Street Improvement Program (STIP)

The Town of Estes Park maintains around 59 centerline miles of paved streets, which requires a successful pavement management program that utilizes a variety of techniques to repair pavement surfaces that have deteriorated and, more importantly, maintain roadway segments that are in good condition. 

Public Works manages the street network of Estes Park with a computer-based program called PAVER™. This powerful pavement management system uses engineering technology to determine when, where, and how to best maintain roadways. It provides the needed leverage to preserve the infrastructure investment. The Windows-based PAVER™ assists the Engineering Division in organizing, planning, and budgeting for pavement maintenance. It offers prediction modeling and analysis for long-term future control of all pavement management aspects.

2024 Street Improvement Program

The 2024 Overlay & Patching Program was awarded to Coulson Excavating Company of Loveland, Colorado. Paving of West Elkhorn Avenue from Old Ranger Drive to Big Horn Drive will be completed in October, while Pine Knoll Drive reconstruction is scheduled to begin in mid-September and be completed in October. Lane closures and local detours will be necessary to complete the work along West Elkhorn Avenue. Pine Knoll Drive will be closed during construction, with local access open daily for residents. Repaving of the East Riverside Parking Lot is postponed until May 2025.

This program consists of overlaying or removing (milling) the existing asphalt and then replacing it with a new asphalt surface. Roads identified for overlay improvements in 2024 include:

  • Pine Knoll Drive
  • Stonegate Drive
  • Valley View Road
  • West Elkhorn Avenue
  • East Riverside Parking Lot

Maintenance and Repair

Preventative maintenance is a huge part of the 2024 STIP plan and is defined as a planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an existing roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system (without significantly increasing the structural capacity). Preventative maintenance keeps good roads in good shape and, as the table below indicates, keeps maintenance costs down.

Water is the most destructive element to our pavements, and most of the treatments and techniques utilized are designed to address this issue. Cracks in pavements allow moisture to penetrate the surface, which causes pavement material failure. Failure to seal cracks results in further cracking, potholes, and eventually a major pavement breakdown, leading to unnecessary expensive repairs. Below are some of the treatments and techniques that Public Works uses to treat our roads. For information on pothole repair, visit our Pothole Patching Page.

Pavement Treatments and Techniques

Cracks are sealed with a hot polymer/rubberized liquid asphalt to minimize water infiltrating the pavement base. Crack sealing is an extremely economical way of maintaining pavements. This method is very cheap and effective when compared to more extensive work such as resurfacing and reconstruction.

Chip sealing is the application of crushed aggregate or gravel (chips) over an emulsified asphaltic oil. The oil seals the street from water penetration while the chips provide a wearing surface for traffic. Chip sealing is a preventive maintenance treatment that rejuvenates old asphalt and creates a new riding surface.

Slurry sealing is the application of emulsified asphalt (a mixture made from oil and fine sand aggregate) to an existing pavement. This treatment also seals the street from water penetration. Slurry sealing is a preventive maintenance treatment that extends the life of pavement while providing a smooth new riding surface.

An asphalt overlay generally consists of placing a new layer of asphalt pavement material over existing pavement. Preparatory work such as asphalt patching, edge milling, and utility adjustments should be completed prior to any overlay work. Overlays are less expensive than complete street reconstruction and result in smoother and stronger pavement.