The Town of Estes Park is excited to be in the planning stage of the 2045 Transportation Plan! This Multimodal Transportation Plan and Transit Development Plan (MTP-TDP) process will help set the stage for an improved transportation network in Estes Park that moves all modes and all people, increasing the transportation options for visitors and residents alike. With public input, this process is designed to build on the community vision of a “connected community linked locally and regionally by multimodal transportation options,” as defined by the recently adopted Estes Forward Comprehensive Plan. The first public meeting was held on May 21, 2024. Learn more and provide feedback by visiting the Town of Estes Park 2045 Transportation Plan project website.
Roundabout Information
A roundabout is a type of circular intersection. Roundabouts are often safer, more efficient, less costly and more aesthetically appealing than conventional intersection designs. They're also an excellent choice to complement other transportation objectives - including Complete Streets, multimodal networks, and corridor access management - without compromising the ability to keep freight moving through town.

Complete Streets
Complete Streets approach integrates people and place in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of our transportation networks. This helps ensure streets are safe for people of all ages and abilities; balances the needs of different modes; and supports local land uses, economies, cultures, and natural environments. Complete Streets make it easy and enjoyable to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle for work, play, shopping and recreation.
The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) drafted the Complete Streets Policy working closely with Public Works Department staff. This policy was adopted by the Town Board of Trustees in April 2019.
Resource Listing
- CDOT Monthly Traffic Counts for Hwys 34 & 36 (Through July 2021)
- CDOT 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (2015)
- Downtown Access Report (1984)
- Downtown Circulation Study (2008)
- Downtown Parking Management Plan (2017)
- Estes Park Barnes Dance Memo (2015)
- Estes Park Downtown Plan (2017)
- Estes Park Parking Study (2005)
- Estes Park Transit & Parking Study (2013)
- Estes Valley Master Trails Plan (2016)
- Estes Valley Master Trails Plan Maps
- Estes Valley Master Trails Plan Appendices
- Estes Valley Master Trails Plan Addendum 1
- Estes Valley Transportation Alternatives Study
- Evaluation of an Intelligent Transportation System for Rocky Mountain National Park & Estes Park (2011)
- Roadmap to the Future (2012)
- Stay Healthy Streets Survey Results (2020)