Phase-Based Signage Installation in Progress
Phase 1 of the Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program – Design & Implementation Plan (D&IP) was completed in August 2023. The first phase consisted of three different sign types focused on pedestrian directional wayfinding of local attractions and destinations.
There are six total phases included in the D&IP. As referenced in the plan, Phase 2: Downtown Loop was intended to be installed after completion of the Downtown Estes Loop (DEL). Because of the 2023-2024 DEL schedule, Phase 3: Trail System was implemented in 2024, consisting of pedestrian directional signage located along the trails in the Downtown Estes Park core area. Phase 2: Downtown Loop is anticipated for 2025.
The Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program (DWP) is led by the Public Works Department and was adopted by the Town Board in January 2023.
Please check this webpage for regular updates. For further information, contact Trevor Wittwer, Civil Engineer, at or 970-577-3724.

About the Project
A wayfinding signage program is designed to meet the needs of both residents and visitors, with a focus on all transportation modes within the project limits and along major access thoroughfares. Street level vitality, legibility, safety, maintenance, and replacement costs are all major considerations in creating an informational, user-friendly, wayfinding signage program.
As both a tourist destination and a deeply rooted Colorado community, Downtown Estes Park is in a unique position to tell its story through signage and wayfinding. The new signage will stand on the shoulders of previously completed plans, as well as the long history of the Estes Park community and its potential for future growth and economic development.
In 2018, the Downtown Plan (DP) was adopted by the Town. Included in the DP were recommendations for improving wayfinding signage. The first task was to prepare and implement the Parking Pilot Project. The Town of Estes Park hired a project consultant to design the signs and assist the Town through the construction bid process in 2021. This task of the Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program, explained in the Parking Pilot Project Booklet, was completed with the placement of new signs in the Downtown parking lots. In 2022, the Town's Downtown Wayfinding Plan (DWP) focused on expanding signage throughout Downtown, with the design and implementation services of E. Holdings, Inc. and Michael Baker International.
Central to the success of any signage and wayfinding program is its ability to communicate a memorable, compelling, understandable, and authentic story about place. A great community wayfinding program highlights key attributes of a place while creating an emotional bond with residents and visitors, and providing stakeholders with a solid foundation for marketing and promotion. Having connections to planning, graphic design, marketing, consensus-building and stakeholder engagement, a successful signage and wayfinding plan is grounded in a broad and deep understanding of what makes a place great.
The primary goals of Estes Park's signage and wayfinding program include:
- Create a cohesive, iconic, inclusive, and welcoming wayfinding system that celebrates the community and directs visitors into and through Downtown Estes Park
- Alert and direct visitors and residents to community amenities in Downtown, particularly directed towards pedestrians and bicyclists
- Provide opportunities for the community to provide meaningful input into the signage designs to ensure that they are reflective of the image and values of Estes Park
- Identify the style, quantity and type of signage needed Downtown
- Outline the costs and resources needed to implement the content and background of the signage and wayfinding designs project
Project Updates
April 2023 | New Pedestrian Wayfinding Signs to Be Installed Downtown
As part of the Town of Estes Park’s Downtown Wayfinding Plan (DWP), DaVinci Sign Systems, Inc. will begin the first phase of pedestrian wayfinding signs the week of April 3, with 14 new wayfinding signs to be installed throughout the downtown area. These signs will consist of large kiosks with maps of the downtown area and also smaller pedestrian directional signage to local attractions and public destinations such as parks and trails.
Weather permitting, the wayfinding sign installation project is scheduled to start Wednesday, April 5, and continue through early June. Work will consist of small excavations and concrete or paver removal in various locations. The work zones will be small and may disrupt normal pedestrian patterns through the downtown trail and sidewalk network. If necessary, detour routes and/or trail closures will be properly signed. No disruption to any streets is anticipated for this work.
March 2023 | Downtown Wayfinding Signage Plan Adopted for Implementation
Based on recommendations within the 2018 Downtown Plan, the Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program Design & Implementation Plan (D & IP) has been developed as the guiding document toward phased implementation of the Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program (DWP). The final D & IP was adopted by the Town Board in January 2023.
Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program: Design & Implementation Plan adopted 1-10-23
The contractor bid was awarded in early February 2023 for construction to begin in late 2023 or early 2024.
November 2022 | Third Revision of Design Booklet Now Available
Following the September 2022 Downtown Wayfinding Signage Design Open House, the project team was guided by input from the online survey of preliminary signage designs and placement as they developed the design draft booklet. This draft was presented in late September and revised, with public comment considerations, on October 14, October 26, and November 11. The current draft can be accessed using the link below:
Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program: Design & Implementation Plan - revised draft 11.11.22
The final design booklet is expected to be presented in November, with implementation beginning in late 2022.
November 2022 | Second Revision of Design Booklet
Following the September 2022 Downtown Wayfinding Signage Design Open House, the project team was guided by input from the online survey of preliminary signage designs and placement as they developed the design draft booklet. This draft was presented in late September and revised, with public comment considerations, on October 14 and again on October 26. The current draft can be accessed using the link below:
Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program: Design & Implementation Plan - revised draft 10.26.22
The final design booklet is expected to be presented in November, with implementation beginning in late 2022.
October 2022 | Revised Design Booklet & Messaging Plan Now Available
Thanks to all those who participated in the September Downtown Wayfinding Signage Design Open House. Input from the online survey of preliminary signage designs and placement guided the project team as they developed the design draft booklet, which was presented in late September. Input on the draft booklet is now reflected in the revised draft, which can be accessed using the link below. Also available below is a link to the spreadsheet detailing how the wayfinding signage will be placed throughout Downtown Estes Park.
Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program: Design & Implementation Plan - revised draft 10.14.22.
Estes Park Wayfinding Messaging Plan
September 2022 | Survey Results and Draft Design & Implementation booklet
Thanks to all those who took time to participate in the September 1-14 Downtown Wayfinding Signage Design Open House. Input from the online survey of preliminary signage designs and placement guided the project team as they developed the design draft booklet. Links to the survey results and draft design booklet are available below:
Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program: Design & Implementation Plan draft
September 2022 | Wayfinding Signage Open House
Thanks to community feedback, the project team developed a full preliminary signage design for further community participation. Introductory project and design overview videos (see links below) were available on the project webpage along with an online survey that was accessible September 1-14. The final Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program is expected to be presented in late 2022.
July 2022 | Preliminary Design Survey
Input from the preliminary design survey was gathered throughout the month of July, with over 240 participants. The project team will use these results to develop the final signage designs, which will be unveiled in September. The team is also preparing the location plan (where will the signs go), the messaging plan (what the signs will say), and the plan documents.
Survey Results (all participants)
Survey Results (residents/workers only)
April 21, 2022 | Public Meeting