A right-of-way (ROW) is a piece of property that lies between private lots wherein roadways and utility mains are constructed. Any work (excavation, construction, culverts, driveways, overhead lines, etc.) within the ROW requires a work permit, which is issued by the state/county/town jurisdiction in which the work is taking place. For Estes Park area work that falls within the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), ROW work permits are required from both CDOT and the Town of Estes Park Public Works Department.
In Estes Park, ROW work permits cost a $50 flat fee, plus $200 for excavation within the asphalt roadway, and additional fees for length of work. ROW work permit applications must be submitted no less than 5 days, and no more than 30 days, prior to excavation. Review the Town of Estes Park's Right of Way Permit Guidelines and application options below.
All work within the ROW requires a call to the Utilities Notification Center of Colorado at 800-922-1987 (8-1-1) to verify utility locations; this is a free service.

Questions? Contact Public Works at 970-577-3587 or engineering@estes.org.