Mayor & Trustees Email Access

Under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) all emails to and from the Mayor and Trustees are subject to public disclosure, with limited exceptions. A copy of any email sent to or by a member of the Town Board will be automatically posted to the Town website. Retention Statement: Town email retention policy states all email sent and received is maintained for a period of 1 year from the date of the email.

Emails will not be posted for public viewing when the content is protected by the Colorado Open Records Act, such as contract negotiations, attorney-client privilege and personnel matters. Members of the public may add the term "private" to the subject line if they prefer the email not be posted on the email portal for public viewing. Public email addresses included in the “to,” “from,” “cc,” or “bcc” fields will not be visible on the site. However, all information contained in the body of the email will be posted by the system. If requested by the public, emails that are not posted will still be released when they are not protected by the Colorado Open Records Act.

Per Town Board Policy 107 Public Posting of Town Board E-mail, emails which include the Town Attorney's email address in any location of the email will not be publicly posted.
