Pothole Patching

The Street Division purchased a new pothole repair spray patcher in 2015, putting the 1A sales tax dollars to work repairing streets as a part of the Town's Street Improvement Program.

Weather permitting, the patcher is out every day, with the exception of mid-winter months when temperatures are too low to operate the patching equipment.

Pothole Patcher

Routine maintenance of the main arterial roads is considered top priority, with the only exception being Work Repair Orders generated from resident/guest communications. Following major arterials, priority is given to collector streets, then residential streets.

Requests for pothole repairs should be directed to the Public Works Department at 970-577-3587 or emailed to publicworks@estes.org. Once received, requests are put into a work order and sent to the Street Supervisor for scheduling. The Street Division strives to complete repairs within 3 business days of receiving the request.

After each pothole has been repaired, the Street Division operator uses in-field technology to input the GIS coordinates of the repair location. Access a Town map showing locations of completed pothole repairs.

The pothole repair spray patcher will repair regular potholes (up to three feet in diameter), wide cracks, small allegation areas, and edge breaks. Moderate repair work up to ten feet in diameter, where asphalt needs to be removed and replaced, will be manually completed by the Street Division. Larger repair areas will be completed by hired contractors. Emergency pothole repair in cold weather may be completed with cold mix asphalt.

Citizen Ride-Alongs in the Pothole Patcher

Citizens may request a one-hour observational ride (ride-a-long) in the pothole repair spray patcher with the Street Division operator. Citizen ride-alongs will take place on Fridays and can be scheduled between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Please contact the Public Works Department at 970-577-3587 or publicworks@estes.org for scheduling. Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis, and citizens must be 18 or older to participate. All participants will be required to sign an Indemnification and Release Form prior to the ride-along.