Community Funding

The Town of Estes Park provides financial support to local organizations that help meet the needs of Estes Valley residents at the discretion of the Town Board, subject to current Town Board goals and availability of funds. Town assistance to outside entities is governed by Town Board Policy 671. For more information, please contact Suzanna Simpson at ssimpson@estes.org or 970-577-3700.

Community Initiative Funding application will be available July, 2025

2025 Adopted Community Initiative Funding

Annual Reporting Requirement

Any entity receiving either Base Funding or Community Initiative Funding from the Town must complete and submit an annual report to the Management Analyst by May 30 of the year following the year in which funding was received (i.e. May 31, 2024 for funding received in the 2023 calendar year).

This report must be no more than 350 words and should be structured as an educational article by an organization staff or board member discussing the programs and services provided to the community and how they were supported by the funding provided by the Town. This article should help an audience of community members understand the work of the organization as well as the how the Community Initiative Funding helped make it possible. One-two images pertaining representing the program may also be submitted if available. The Town reserves the right to edit portions of the article pertinent to its funding program and share its content with the community on various Town information channels.

Base funding from the Town is intended to support the general operations and overhead of nonprofit entities that play a critical role in supporting the Town's Strategic Plan. Only organizations pre-approved by the Town Board (Policy 671 Section 3.a) are eligible to apply for base funding.

2025 Adopted Base Funding

Event sponsorship funding is intended to demonstrate the Town's support for community events. Any nonprofit organization that is organizing a local event (serving the Estes Valley) that is open to the public may request event sponsorship funding from the Town.

Event sponsorship funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis. This application process is required for all event sponsorship requests of the Town and all of its departments, with the exception of requests for event sponsorships from Trailblazer Broadband, which may be approached separately. Please email your completed application to Suzanna Simpson at ssimpson@estes.org.

Event Sponsorship Funding application

Do you provide childcare, or hope to, but need financial assistance in order to create, improve or grow your space, or to support programs for childhood enrichment? The Town of Estes Park may be able to help! On a first-come, first-served basis, childcare providers now have an opportunity to apply for funding from the Town for both capital and non-capital projects. For more information on qualification and eligibility criteria, and to apply for funding, please refer to the Town's Childcare Funding Guidelines and Application

**Please note that funding is limited and may be exhausted quickly depending on the timing and quality of applications received. Before you apply, please contact Deputy Town Administrator Jason Damweber at jdamweber@estes.org to inquire about funding availability or with any questions you may have regarding the childcare funding program.