Facilities Master Plan

The goal of the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) is to address the immediate, short-term, and long-term facility needs for the Town of Estes Park (TOEP), serving as a "road map" for the future development and operation of all TOEP facilities. To this end, the FMP shall:

  • Provide a comprehensive document that identifies the building and employee space needs to aid the TOEP in budgeting, scheduling, and administering all major building renovation and new construction capital projects;
  • Assure that all new near-term and mid-term capital building and major renovation projects are planned in conjunction with, and in support of, a long-term (20-year) strategic vision.

Events Complex

Project Resources

Implementation of the FMP

The project kick-off meeting was held on September 16, 2019, and was followed by a study of approximately two years. STUDIO Architecture and Studio Terra co-led the team, which also includes PCD Engineering and BBC Research. This project will happen in four phases:

Surveys have been conducted by the FMP Team, and all staff have had the opportunity to share their opinion. The team highlighted eight primary facilities and focused attention on how efficiently, or inefficiently, these buildings are functioning.

The FMP Team has been working through the concepts and operational impacts related to recommendations of moving the Police Department out of Town Hall. Several stakeholders are involved in the process of weighing the benefits versus the challenges. Phase III will identify the relocation opportunities and locations.

On July 27, 2021, the FMP Team presented a Town Board Study Session on the pros and cons of the opportunity sites identified in Phase II, as well as some alternative concepts for future civic operations. As the team gets further into the project, they will bring more stakeholders into the discussion and coordinate public outreach.

The FMP Team will begin to develop concepts based on the opportunity sites and their topography.