Utility Notifications

Sign up and know when we know

Utility customers can now sign up to receive email or text notifications for power outages and water meter notifications. These notifications will alert customers to power outages and potential water leaks at their service locations.

Sign up for meter notifications

You will need your utility account number and service address to sign up. Where to find your utility account number, service address, and meter number.

Both electric and water meter alerts are collected and transmitted through the smart meter network. Power outage notifications are only available to customers with smart electric meters; water meter alerts are available to customers with water meters that can communicate with the smart meter network.

What do the alerts mean?


Power Outages

I received a power outage alert - what does it mean?

Power outage text message

These alerts come from the electric meter and will let customers know when the meter has lost power and when power is restored.

Power and Communications staff also receive these meter outage notifications and are often able to respond to power outages before a customer realizes the power is out.
Customers can check the Power Outage Public Information Map to see outage areas that crews are responding to. Report power outages by calling 970-586-5335.

  Power Outage Public Info Map

Water Leaks

I received a water leak alert - what does it mean? What do I do now?

Water Leak text message

A water leak alert means that there has been hourly usage at the meter for seven consecutive days (strongly suggesting a leak inside the customer's property). This could be a leaking toilet flapper, a dripping faucet, a broken sprinkler head, or a broken pipe.

Customers who have received a water leak alert should check their water fixtures for potential leaks and monitor their next utility bill for high water usage. Contact a plumber in the event of a serious leak or for any repairs you are not comfortable making yourself.