Outstanding volunteers who contribute to a wonderful Town

Estes Park Police Department Auxiliary Unit
The Auxiliary Police are civic-minded individuals who volunteer to assist the Town of Estes Park Police Department by performing uniformed, unarmed patrol in the Estes Park community. Auxiliary members are recruited, trained and equipped by the Estes Park Police Department. Auxiliary Police provide extra "eyes and ears" for the Police Department and essential man power during special events and large scale incidents or investigations. They also serve as ambassadors and assist in bridging the gap between community and police. Auxiliary Officers are volunteers and do not receive compensation.
The mission of the Estes Park Police Department Auxiliary Unit is to enhance the individual and collective safety of the community by assisting the Estes Park Police Department. The Auxiliary Unit exists to provide increased police visibility and to further the goal of a positive police-community relationship for the Town of Estes Park.
Criteria for application to the Estes Park Police Auxiliary Unit include the following:
- Be at least 21 years old
- Be friendly, outgoing and enjoy working with people
- Completion of the EPPD Citizen's Police Academy
- Be capable of standing or walking for up to 4 hours
- Consent to a criminal and driving record background check; meeting the requirements of both
- No felony convictions
- No outstanding warrants
- Have an acceptable record as it relates to overall criminal and community involvement that would promote acceptance by the community
- Successful completion of Auxiliary Unit admission interview
- Recommendation of panel.
Auxiliary members are required to complete 96 hours of service each year.
The Auxiliary Academy consists of twelve hours of training specifically designed to assist new Auxiliary Unit members in developing the skills necessary to function as an Estes Park Police Auxiliary Member. New members are then connected with Sergeants or Level III members who serve as mentors for job training and assisting in attainment of Level I classification for the new member. Auxiliary members receive training specific to their interests and are given options as to how they would like to serve the department. In addition, unit-wide training is conducted at monthly meetings.
The Auxiliary Unit is supervised by three Auxiliary Sergeants and an Auxiliary Commander. The Estes Park Police Department Support Services Captain is the liaison between the Unit and the Department. There is a level system within the Auxiliary Unit that allows for advancement. These levels are associated with various training, responsibilities and privileges. Members enter the unit with the classification of a Basic Member and then complete training and requirements to become Level I, II and III. Auxiliary Members performs duties both as an individual unit and as part of the greater department. Most assignments work in conjunction with or under supervision of sworn or civilian staff. The unit's structure is parallel to that of the Estes Park Police Department Patrol Unit, with requirements frequently mirroring those of patrol.
The Estes Park Auxiliary Unit was officially created on March 22, 2001, and was originally formed as the “Estes Park Police Department Volunteer Unit”. The first members of the Volunteer Unit were those citizens already volunteering their time with the Police Department as well as several individuals who attended the newly created Citizen’s Police Academy. The members of the new Volunteer Unit assisted the Police Department with many tasks. They not only worked inside the Department, but, on May 12, 2001, the Volunteer Unit worked its first official event --the Estes Park Bike Rodeo. During its first year, the volunteer unit assisted with the Big Horn Race, the June Rodeos, the Rooftop Rodeo, Scottish-Irish Festival, Catch the Glow Parade, as well as several other community events and activities. As the duties and responsibilities of the Volunteer Unit increased, the Unit was officially changed to the Police Auxiliary Unit on Sept. 30, 2003. The uniform changed to the current gray shirt with “Estes Park Police” patches, Auxiliary badge and navy blue pants. September 30, 2003 also saw the creation of Auxiliary Supervisors and a commitment to increase the professional status of the Auxiliary Unit through creation of an Auxiliary Unit Operations Manual. The Auxiliary Academy was added, and a patrol vehicle was procured as the Auxiliary continued to evolve and grow.
Interested individuals can call 970-577-3872 or visit the Estes Park Police Department and ask for Captain Rick Life. Application is required. Submit a Town of Estes Park Volunteer Application.