If we can't reach you, we can't alert you
Emergency Notification System
The Estes Park Police Department utilizes the Everbridge Aware system to send Emergency Alerts (commonly known as "reverse 911"). When a disaster strikes, or an emergency situation arises, receive notifications about it. Learn more about LETA 911 emergency alerts.Because of the enhanced emergency notification system, residents in Larimer County can receive emergency notifications on their cell phones, business phones, via text messages, and emails -- in addition to receiving phone calls on traditional home phones. Emergency alerts in the Estes Valley are sent by the Estes Park Emergency Communications Center (EPECC). To take advantage of this free, expanded service, sign up. If residents do not sign up, they will still receive notifications on traditional landline home phones, but nowhere else.
Choose How, Choose When
The enhanced system provides residents with choices. Choose how to be contacted: cell phone call, text, email, home phone, etc. Choose the locations to be contacted about. Residents can sign up to get alerts about an emergency, such as a wildfire, flood, or critical police activity at home, work, or school. That means, residents could receive notifications on their cell phone about their home AND their child's school.
How to Sign Up
Sign up onlineto take advantage of the free expanded service. If interested in receiving alerts about more than one location, a sign-up form for each address will need to be completed. For example, if a resident would like to receive alerts about their home and their kids' school, they will need to register twice: once using their home address and once using the address of their children's school.
Download the ReachWell APP
LETA has partnered with Reachwell to deliver emergency alerts in up to 103 different languages via push notifications. ReachWell delivers alerts, preparedness tool and wellness resources via app, website, text, email and call. To set up the ReachWell app, do the following:
- Download ReachWell from the Apple or Google app store.
- Open the app and accept push notifications to be notified of emergency alerts
- Select the preferred language
- Add NOCO Alert.
Learn more about LETA 911 and the ReachWell APP.
How it Works
The old emergency notification system only called residents on traditional home phones. Over the last several years, many residents have done away with landlines and use cell phones as home phones. Mobiles offices and busy lifestyles require that Larimer County public health and safety officials have the ability to reach citizens when they are on the go. The enhanced systems will continue to call residents using their traditional land lines, even if they are not registered for the enhanced service. It will also allow residents to enter other information so they can be notified in multiple ways.
When submitting a cell phone, email address, business phone number and other information (on the "how" to reach you section), participants are giving public health and safety officials more opportunity to contact, and improving odds of staying informed. The system retains resident information for important alerts until the resident opts out of the program.
What is NOCO Alerts?
Emergency notification is a free service provided by the Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority. The system is funded through monthly surcharges on hard wire (traditional), wireless, or voice over internet telephone services. Keep in mind, if you register a cell phone, call and text messaging charges will apply. This program is a partnership between 25 government and public safety agencies of Larimer County including the Town of Estes Park. This program supports 9-1-1 emergency communications to make Larimer County emergency notification consistent and effective. For more information, or to sign up for the enhanced service, visit https://nocoalert.org.