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Crime Stoppers

Got a Tip?

Contact Estes Park Police Department's Crime Stoppers tip line at 970-577-3838 or via email at

Mailing Address:
Crime Stoppers
P.O. Box 1287
Estes Park, CO 80517

Crime Stoppers Any individual with knowledge of a crime can call to give tips to an officer on duty, leave information on the voicemail system, or email Crime Stoppers. Informants may choose to remain anonymous by having information identified by a code number only. If the information given to Crime Stoppers leads to an arrest, indictment, or in the judgment of the Crime Stoppers board, deemed a benefit to the community, a cash reward of up to $2,000 is awarded to the informant.

Crime Stoppers is an effective way for citizens to fight and prevent crime in their communities. Estes Park Crime Stoppers receives continuing support from Crime Stoppers of Larimer County.