Each year, the Safety Fair is held in the springtime at the Estes Park Events Complex, located at 1125 Rooftop Way. A variety of regional public safety agencies come together to showcase equipment and apparatus ranging from armored vehicles to a bomb robot, flying drones and more. Local businesses generously donate door prizes and public safety goodies. Estes Park Police Officers serve free hamburgers, hot dogs, snacks and beverages donated by local businesses.
In the past, participating agencies for the Safety Fair have included AirMedCare, American Red Cross, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado State Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, Drug-Free World, Estes Park Emergency Communication Center, Estes Park Gun & Archery Club, Estes Park Light and Power, Estes Park Police Department, Estes Park Police Auxiliary, Estes Valley Amateur Radio Club, Estes Valley Bear Education Taskforce, Estes Valley Fire Protection District, Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership, Estes Watershed Coalition, Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, Larimer County Emergency Management, Larimer County, Sheriff's Office, Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority, Loveland Police Department, Medevac, Salud Family Health Center, UCHealth LifeLine, and the Upper Thompson Sanitation District. Contributing businesses and organizations included Bank of Colorado, Bank of Estes Park, Chipper's Lanes, Estes Park Event Complex, Estes Park Rent All, Ice of Estes Park, El Mex-Kal, McDonalds, Poppy's Pizza & Grill, Premier Members Credit Union, Reel Mountain Theater, Safeway, Salud Family Health Center, and Walmart North Loveland Store #1008.
The Safety Fair is presented by the Estes Park Police Department in conjunction with other state, county and government agencies. The goal of this event is to create a fun and active learning environment to educate the youth of Northern Colorado on the topics of alcohol and drug awareness, bicycle safety, fire safety, career opportunities and emergency services technology.
Save the date! The 2024 Safety Fair will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024.

For more information or to make a donation to the Safety Fair, please call event coordinator, Officer Paul Mieszala, at 970-577-3837.