
The Meter group is responsible for new meter installations, meter upgrades, and the monthly billing readings of both electric and water meters for residents and local businesses. In addition, the Meter group also tests and services existing meters and electrical current transformer wiring, as well as conducts power quality recordings.

Please see the Electric Smart Meter and Water meter upgrade pages for information and updates on these ongoing projects.

Electric Meters

Estes Park Power & Communications standard electric meters work on the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network, i.e. they are smart meters. The benefits of smart meters:

  • Enhances Service: Smart meters increase quality and reliability. They enable remote electric outage notification to staff resulting in faster service response and shorter outages, as well as the ability to detect some water leaks.
  • Helps the Environment: By using smart meters, staff can avoid many vehicle miles traveled to gather billing information. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Taps into Technology: Smart meters form the backbone of the smart grid and are a critical link in our ability to integrate rooftop solar and other forms of distributed generation.

Some of the specialized electric meters are transformer-rated meters for large electric services, and demand or time-of-use meters. Please note that demand programming is no longer an option for residential customers except for existing demand customers. Customers investing in electric thermal storage heat are moved to the time-of-use rate for on and off-peak hours to help save on energy bills.

Water Meters

The Estes Park Water Department uses AMR/AMI-capable water meters. Automated Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), allows water utilities to gather utility usage data from their customers, both residential and commercial, without manually reading meters. The utility improves services and saves money by minimizing the costs associated with reading individual residential and commercial meters while allowing more time to do other required maintenance activities.

In addition, Automated Meter Reading/Advanced Metering Infrastructure improves data accuracy and helps identify anomalies. It will detect possible leaks faster and notifies staff of problems before they become serious and costly. It also eliminates the need for manually reading meters, except for periodical maintenance or replacement of system components, when needed. 

For questions concerning consumption or meter issues, please contact, Sarah Clark, Power and Communications Administrative Assistant at 970-577-3627 or sclark@estes.org

For water meter break due to freezing, please contact a plumber. Customers will be charged the cost of the meter on their next utility bill. 

For questions regarding a utility bill, please contact Utility Billing at 970-577-4800 or 1-800-748-1717, option 1.