Renewable Energy Purchase Program

Estes Park Offers a Renewable Energy Option


Did you know that you can choose to switch to 100% renewable energy at your home or business today? Through the Renewable Energy Purchase Program (REPP), customers can sign up to purchase 100% carbon-free renewable energy either in 100 kilowatt-hour blocks or to cover their entire electric consumption. When customers participate in the REPP, they are supporting an alternative to fossil fuels.

With every block purchased, more renewable energy will be used to power the grid. Each renewable energy purchase helps build a market for renewable electricity. It also has other local and global environmental benefits, which may include emitting little or no regional air pollution or carbon dioxide. 


Where does the REPP energy come from?

Renewable energy is purchased from Platte River Power Authority, Estes Park's wholesale electricity provider. Platte River acquires renewable energy from a variety of sources; the primary wind power source is the Roundhouse Wind Energy Center, owned and operated by NextEra Energy Resources. Platte River has a purchased power agreement through 2042.

In 2023, renewable energy subscribers received 100% of their subscribed power from Colorado and/or Wyoming wind resources.

For comparison, the 2023 average mix of resources supplying Estes Park's non-renewable subscribers includes Coal (33.4%), Natural Gas (0.26%), Hydroelectric (15.14%), Wind (29.96%), Solar (3.33%), and Unspecified Purchases (17.94%). This resource mix was provided to Estes Park by Platte River Power Authority for  2023.

REPP was Green-e Energy certified throughout all of 2023 but voluntarily removed its certification for 2024. Learn more about Green-e at www.green-e.org.

For residential customers, REPP energy is sold in 100 kilowatt-hour (kWh) blocks, the cost is added to your regular utility bill. The cost per block is $2.75 (as of January 2021). You can buy as many REPP blocks as you need for your specific energy requirement. The average home in the United States uses 914 kWh per month. [Source: US EIA, 2020] Your bill will increase according to the number of REPP blocks you purchase.

For commercial customers, there is a 500 kWh per month minimum required.

Customers can sign up for the REPP by completing this sign-up form and emailing or dropping it off in person at the Utility Billing at Town Hall. Forms can also be picked up and filled out in person at Town Hall.

For more information, please contact Reuben Bergsten, Utilities Director at 970-577-3583 or via email at rbergsten@estes.org, or Karla Sterling, Utilities Administrative Assistant at 970-577-3588 or via email at ksterling@estes.org.

Customers signing up for the REPP commit to purchasing renewable energy for a minimum of one year, starting the month after signing up for the program. Enrollment will continue until the customer cancels their participation.

For example, if a customer signs up for the REPP in January it will go into effect in February and the commitment runs through at least the following January. There is no fee for canceling within the year commitment.