The Town of Estes Park Water Division has recently developed a Source Water Protection Plan, collaborating with the Colorado Rural Water Association (CRWA) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).
The Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) is a tool for the Town of Estes Park to ensure clean and high quality drinking water sources for current and future generations. This Source Water Protection Plan is designed to:
- Create an awareness of the community’s drinking water sources and the potential risks to surface water and/or groundwater quality within the watershed;
- Encourage education and voluntary solutions to alleviate pollution risks;
- Promote best management practices to protect and enhance the drinking water supply;
- Provide for a comprehensive action plan in case of an emergency that threatens or disrupts the community water supply.
Developing and implementing source water protection measures at the local level (i.e. county and municipal) will complement existing regulatory protection measures implemented at the state and federal governmental levels by filling protection gaps that can only be addressed at the local level.
For more information please contact Deb Callahan, Water Quality and Laboratory Supervisor, at 970-577-3624 or