Water Projects


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​​​​​​​Reclamation Neighborhood Improvements Project


The Water Division and Public Works have jointly completed the design for improvements in the Reclamation Neighborhood. This project includes replacing the existing 4-inch water mains located behind homes with new 8-inch ductile iron mains located in the road. Service lines will be reconnected to the water system with construction work required on most properties. Street and sidewalk improvements will be made on Third Street, North Court, and South Court.

For more information and updates on this project, please visit our Reclamation Neighborhood Water Improvements page or contact Jacqui Wesley, Utilities Project Manager at 970-577-3611 (jwesley@estes.org) or Mike Dantimo, Capital Projects Supervisor at 720-333-7152 (mdantimo@estes.org).


Prospect Mountain Water Project


The Town of Estes Park entered into an agreement to provide new water service to the former Prospect Mountain Water Company service area including new distribution piping and fire hydrants. The project is initially funded through a combination of grants and low-interest rate loans from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA-RD). Benefited property owners are obligated to repay the low-interest rate loan portion of the funding over a 40-year period.

Carriage Hills and Spruce Knob Water System Improvements


The design for improvements in the Carriage Hills area is nearing completion with a tentative advertisement for bids planned in August/ September 2024 and construction in 2025. Phase 1 of this important project includes replacing older water pipes along Carriage Drive and Whispering Pines and installing new fire hydrants. The older lines are not buried deep enough to protect them from freezing and they are subject to leaking and breaking. The project will also connect the water system in Carriage Hills to other sections of the Town's water system at Pawnee and Grey Fox. These connections will improve the overall operation of the system. The Town is seeking funding through a combination of a low-interest rate loan from the State Revolving Fund, principal forgiveness for a portion of the loan, and a Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) grant. We will have more details about the funding package in late summer and will adjust the scope of the project to align with available funding.

On May 7, 2024 a public meeting was held at Town Hall for the Carriage Hills and Spruce Knob Water System Improvements project. A pdf of the power point presentation for this meeting is linked here.

For more information about this project please contact Jacqui Wesley, Utilities Project Manager, at jwesley@estes.org and watch for updates on this project's page.

Mall Road Looping Project


Design continues on the Mall Road Water Project, which involves constructing a 12" waterline connecting our existing infrastructure between Highway 36 and Highway 34. The design will be completed in late 2024. Previous master plans identified this project as critical to improving water quality and stabilizing system pressure in the northeastern portion of our service area.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will need to issue a permit for crossing Highway 34 prior to the start of construction. Additional permitting and approvals from the State and Federal agencies will be required for various segments of the new pipeline, which may impact the overall construction schedule. Bidding for construction is currently planned to occur in 2025.

For more information about this project, please contact Jacqui Wesley, Utilities Project Manager, at jwesley@estes.org, and watch for updates on this project's page.